$ 代码调试

  1. sqoop命令参数加上--verbose,将sqoop日志调整为debug级别
  2. sqoop命令参数加上-Dmapreduce.map.log.level=DEBUG -Dmapreduce.reduce.log.level=DEBUG -Dyarn.app.mapreduce.am.log.level=DEBUG,将MR日志调整为debug级别


$ sqoop常见场景

  1. 分库分表
  2. 有无分区
  3. 字段选择
  4. 查询条件
  5. 存储类型
  6. null值处理
  7. 数据校验???
  8. 增量导入???
sqoop import  --connect 'jdbc:mysql://' --username '' --password ''  -m 1 --table multi_type_db  --hive-drop-import-delims --target-dir /tmp --append  --fields-terminated-by "\001"
abc^Aa^A2019-02-21 11:33:44.0^A2018-03-04^A1^A123^A345^A45.66^A67.89^A9
select * from tmp.multi_type 
	where col_varchar is null 
	and col_char is null 
	and col_timestamp is null 
	and col_date is null 
	and col_bool is null 
	and id_int is null 
	and id_bigint is null 
	and col_float is null 
	and col_decimal is null 
	and col_smallint is null;

$ sqoop原理

$ sqoop类型映射


Sqoop User Guide (v1.4.6) (opens new window)

Sqoop 使用指南 (opens new window)

Sqoop 1.4.6 导入实战 (RDB含MySQL和Oracle) (opens new window)

重要 | mr使用hcatalog读写hive (opens new window)

mapreduce job所需要的各种参数在Sqoop中的实现 原 (opens new window)

源码剖析-sqoop与datax的对比 (opens new window)

更新时间: 6/4/2019, 9:04:13 AM